● A stye is a bacterial infection involving one or more of the small glands near the base of
your eyelashes. It is similar to a boil or a pimple and is often painful.
● A stye (sty) is a red, painful lump near the edge of your eyelid that may look like a boil or
a pimple. Styes are often filled with pus.
● Three different glands within the eyelid are implicated in the pathogenesis of hordeolum
when they become infected by S. aureus. Infection of Zeis and Moll glands (ciliary
glands) causes pain and swelling at the base of the eyelash with localized abscess
● Termed external hordeolum, these produce the typical appearance of a stye with a
localized pustular of the eyelid margin.
● The meibomian glands are modified sebaceous glands that are found in the tarsal plate
of the eyelids.
● They produce an oily layer on the surface of the eye that helps to maintain proper
lubrication of the eye. When a meibomian gland becomes acutely infected, it results in
an internal hordeolum. Due to its deeper position within the eyelid, internal hordeolum
have a less defined appearance than external hordeolum.
● Chalazia occurs secondary to mechanical obstruction and dysfunction of the meibomian
gland with subsequent stasis and blockage of the release of sebum. This condition tends
to be subacute to chronic and presents with a painless nodule within the eyelid or at the
lid margin.
Common reported symptoms:
● Painful lump on the eyelid, crusty yellow eyelid
● Pink eye, sensitivity to light, soreness and itchiness
● Puffy eyes or watery eyes with No vision loss Nor Increasing eye pain
Treatments if recommended:
● Treatment / Management
● A stye is usually a self-limiting condition with resolution occurring spontaneously within a
week. Both internal and external hordeola are treated similarly. To hasten recovery and
prevent the spread of infection, warm compresses and erythromycin ophthalmic ointment
applied twice a day are usually sufficient treatment.
● There is little evidence demonstrating a benefit from the use of topical antibiotics but
erythromycin ointment use for 7 to 10 days has been recommended. Warm compresses
should be applied for 15 minutes at least four times a day.
● Gentle massage of the nodule has also been suggested to assist in the expression of
the obstructed material. Oral antibiotics are rarely indicated unless there are significant
surrounding erythema and a concern for periorbital cellulitis.
● For very large hordeola in which incision and drainage are considered, referral to an
ophthalmologist is appropriate. Reevaluation within 2 to 3 days is appropriate to assess
response to treatment.
● Leave the styes alone. Don't try to pop the stye or squeeze the pus from a stye
● Clean your eyelids. Gently wash the affected eyelid with mild soap and water
● Place a warm washcloth over your closed eye to relieve pain and swelling
● Discard any contaminated contact lenses. (No contact lenses)
Note: Any eye pain, loss of vision, go to the ER NOW.
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